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发布日期:2024-09-28 15:05    点击次数:112

av天堂快播 兰州交通主页主页平台责罚系统 孙小伟



X.W. Sun*, J.L. Cao, T. Song, J.H. Tian, Z.J. Liu, Stability and wave velocity of novel iron magnesium oxide (Mg, Fe)2O3.5 in the lower mantle, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 338 (2024) 124836.

X.W. Sun*, Y.H. Liu, M.T. Tan, C. Luo, T. Song, Slit-gradient phoxonic crystal sensor for detecting the solution concentration, IEEE Sensors Journal (2024)

X.W. Sun*, M.T. Tan, G.G. Xu, Y. Cao, X.D. Wen, Z.J. Liu, Sub-wavelength topological boundary states and rainbow trapping of local-resonance phononic crystal plate, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57 (2024) 225302.

X.W. Sun*, G.G. Xu, R.S. Li, M.T. Tan, X.L. Gaoav天堂快播, W.B. Sun, Reconfigurable local -resonanc elastic waveguides in piezoelectric phononic crystals plate, Journal of intelligent Material Systems and Structures 35 (2024) 750-759.

X.W.Sun*, M.R.Chen, T. Song, J. H. Tian, Z. J. Liu, W. C. Huang, Novel superhard semiconducting structures of C8B2N2 predicted using the first-principles approach, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26 (2024) 2629-2637.

X.W. Sun*, M. R. Chen, X. L. Dou, N. Li,T. Wang, T. Song,  A theoretical investigation on the structural stability, superconductivity, and optical and thermodynamic properties of Ir2P under pressure, RSC advances 14 (2024) 1216-1228.

X.W. Sun*, S.J. Liu, Z.S. Lei, T. Song, Z.J. Liu, First-principles study of structural phase transition and electronic properties of CaO3 under high pressure, Materials Today Communications 38 (2024) 107611.

X.W. Sun*, H.F. Zhu, X.L. Gao, T. Song, Z.J. Liu, Tunable low-frequency bandgaps of a new two-dimensional multi-component phononic crystal under different pressures, geometric parameters and pre-compression strains, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 29 (2022) 4019-4031.

孙小伟*,宋婷,刘子江,万桂新,张磊,常文利,氟化镁高压萤石结构结识性及热物性的数值模拟,物理学报 69 (2020) 156202-12.

X.W. Sun*, Z.J. Liu, W.L. Quan, T. Song, R. Khenata, S. Bin-Omran, High-pressure and high-temperature physical properties of LiF studied by density functional theory calculations and molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids116 (2018) 209-215.

X.W. Sun*, N. Bioud, Z.J. Fu, X.P. Wei, T. Song, Z.W. Li, High-pressure elastic properties of cubic Ir2P from ab initio calculations, Physics Letters A 380 (2016) 3672-3677.

X.W. Sun*, Y.D. Chu, Z.J. Liu, T. Song, J.H. Tian, X.P. Wei, First-principles prediction of the equation of state for TcC with rocksalt structure, Chemical Physics Letters 614 (2014) 167-170.

X.W. Sun*, T. Song, X.P. Wei, W.L. Quan, X.B. Liu, W.F. Su, Thermal stability and thermal expansion studies of cubic fluorite-type MgF2 up to 135 GPa, Materials Research Bulletin 52 (2014) 151-157.

X.W. Sun*, T. Song, Z.J. Liu, W.L. Quan, J.H. Tian, P. Guo, Ab initio prediction of the first and second pressure derivatives of isothermal bulk modulus for the high-pressure rocksalt phase of ZnO, Chemical Physics Letters 559 (2013) 46-49.

X.W. Sun*, Y.D. Chu, W.L. Quan, Q.F. Chen, X.R. Chen, T. Song, J.H. Tian, The effect of the phase transition on the elasticity of cubic platinum carbide, Journal of Materials Science 48 (2013) 1660-1668.

X.W. Sun, X.R. Chen*, J. Zhu, Q.F. Chen, L.C. Cai, F.Q. Jing, Thermoelastic parameter αKT of sodium chloride at high pressure and high temperature, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 73 (2012) 992-998.

X.W. Sun, L.C. Cai, Q.F. Chen*, X.R. Chen, F.Q. Jing, Structural, thermodynamic, electronic, and optical properties of NaH from first-principles calculations, Materials Chemistry and Physics 133 (2012) 346-355.

X.W. Sun*, Z.J. Liu, T. Song, Z.R. Zhang, B. Kong, Q.F. Chen, Effects of temperature and pressure on the thermal expansion of sodium chloride, Physica Scripta 85 (2012) 045707-6.

X.W. Sun*, Z.J. Liu, T. Song, W.L. Quan, Q.F. Chen, The thermodynamic properties of cubic fluorite-type MgF2: first-principles prediction, Physica Scripta 85 (2012) 065707-5.

X.W. Sun*, Y.D. Chu, Z.J. Liu, B. Kong, T. Song, J.H. Tian, Molecular dynamics of NaCl melting under pressure, Physica B 407 (2012) 60-63.

X.W. Sun*, Q.F. Chen*, X.R. Chen*, L.C. Cai, F.Q. Jing, First-principles investigations of elastic stability and electronic structure of cubic platinum carbide under pressure, Journal of Applied Physics 110 (2011) 103507-9.

X.W. Sun, Q.F. Chen*, X.R. Chen*, L.C. Cai, F.Q. Jing, Ab initio study of phase transition and bulk modulus of NaH, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 184 (2011) 427-431.

X.W. Sun, Q.F. Chen*, L.C. Cai, X.R. Chen*, F.Q. Jing, High-temperature and high-pressure thermal expansivity of cubic PtC from quasi-harmonic Debye model, Chemical Physics Letters 516 (2011) 158-161.

M.T. Tan, X.W. Sun*, Y.H. Liu, Selective topological valley transport of elastic waves in a Bragg-type phononic crystal plate,Journa of Applied Physics 135 (2024) 243107.

X.L. Gao, The low-frequency bandgap characteristics of phononic crystal isolators with multi-hole, Journal of Vibration and Control (2024)

M.R.Chen, X.L. Dou*, T. Song, Z.P. Yan, X.W. Sun*, A Novel Superhard Phase of TiB3 Predicted by First-Principles Calculation, Results  in  Physics, 61 (2024) 107779.

R.S. Li, X.W. Sun*, G.G. Xu, X.L. Gao, Y. Cao, J.H. Tan, Improving low-frequency sound transmission loss of double panels with a plate-type acoustic metamaterial, Materials Today Communications, 39 (2024) 109139.

Z.S. Lei, X.W. Sun*, X.X. Wang, Z.J. Liu, T. Song, J.H. Tian, Influence of temperature on the process of hydrogen bond symmetrization in ε-FeOOH, Physical Review B 108 (2023) 184105-15.

X.L. Gao, M.R. Chen, X.D. Wen, X.X. Liu, L. Ma, Z.J. Liu, X.W. Sun*. Vibration attenuation performance of isolator based on locally resonant phononic crystal via train load, Construction and Building Materials 395 (2023) 132255-10.

G.G. Xu, X.W. Sun*, X.D. Wen, X.X. Liu, T. Song, Z.J. Liu*, Valley transport via dual-band elastic topological edge states in local-resonant phononic crystal plate, Journal of Applied Physics 133 (2023) 095110-10.

T. Y. Fang, X.W. Sun*, X.D. Wen, Y.X. Li, X.X. Liu, T. Song, Y.Z. Song, Z.J. Liu, High-performance phononic crystal sensing structure for acetone solution concentration sensing, Scientific Reports 13 (2023) 7057-11.

J.J. Shi, T. Song*, P.T. Qi, X.X. Wang, Z.J. Liu, X.W. Sun*, Structural stabilities and half-metallicity properties of the OsTiVIn and OsZrVIn quaternary Heusler alloys under high pressure. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 566 (2023) 170316-7.

T. Wang, S.M. Xue*, T. Song, L. Ma, Z.J. Liu, X.W. Sun*, First-principles study of the structural phase transition and optical properties for MoS2 at high pressure. Chemical Physics Letters 825 (2023) 140579-9.

N. Li, J.H. Tian*, T. Song, L.J. Li, Z.J. Liu, X.W. Sun*, Enhanced superconducting transition temperature via alloying In, Sn and Sb in PbH4 by using first-principles calculations, Journal of Materials Science 58 (2023) 3996-4004.

X.W. Wang, X.W. Sun*, T. Song, J.H. Tian, Z.J. Liu, Prediction of the melting curve and phase diagram for CaO using newly developed interatomic potentials. Vacuum 209 (2023) 111717-11.

K.Y. Li, X.W. Sun*, T. Song, X.D. Wen, Y.W. Wang, X.X. Liu, Z.J. Liu, A high-sensitivity liquid concentration-sensing structure based on a phoxonic crystal slot nanobeam, Journal of Applied Physics 131 (2022) 024501-13.

Y.M. Zhang, T. Song*, J.H. Tian, Z.J. Liu, S.M. Xue, X.W. Sun*, Ordered structure and mechanical properties of ternary Sc0.5TM0.5B2 (TM = Ti, V, Zr) alloys under high pressure, Ceramics International 48 (2022) 16778-16791.

雷振帅, 孙小伟*, 刘子江, 宋婷, 田俊红, 氮化镓相图瞻望过甚高压融化特点盘考, 物理学报 71 (2022) 198102 -10.

张畅,孙小伟*,宋婷,田俊红,刘子江,Sc、Ti、V、Zr 掺杂Cr2B3高压力学性质的第一性旨趣缱绻,高压物理学报 36 (2022) 042201-12.

H.F. Zhu, X.W. Sun*, T. Song, X.D. Wen, X.X. Liu, J.S. Feng, Z.J. Liu, Tunable characteristics of low-frequency bandgaps in two-dimensional multivibrator phononic crystal plates under prestrain, Scientific Reports 11 (2021) 8389-12.

Z.H. Tan, X.-W. Sun*, M. Tian, H.F. Zhu, T. Song, X.D. Wen, X.X. Liu, Z.J. Liu, The mechanism of bandgap opening and merging in 2D spherical phononic crystals, Physics Letters A 405 (2021) 127432-8.

谭自高,孙小伟*,宋婷,温晓东,刘禧萱,刘子江,球形复合柱名义波声子晶体的带隙特点仿真,物理学报 70 (2021) 144301-10.

徐琦,孙小伟*,宋婷,温晓东,刘禧萱,王羿文,刘子江,不同短处态下具有高光力耦合率的新式一维光力晶体纳米梁,物理学报 70 (2021) 224210 -12.

Q. Yang, T. Song*, X.D. Wen, H.F. Zhu, Z.H. Tan, L.J. Liu, Z.J. Liu, X.W. Sun*, Simulations on the wide bandgap characteristics of a two-dimensional tapered scatterer phononic crystal slab at low frequency, Physics Letters A 384 (2020) 126885-6.

康太凤,孙小伟*,宋婷,孙伟彬,廖涛,谭自高. 二维空腹散射体子晶体板的低频带隙特点过甚造成机理,声学学报 45 (2020) 601-608.

孙伟彬,王婷,孙小伟*,康太凤,谭自高,刘子江*,新式二维三组元压电声子晶体板的短处态及振动能量回收,物理学报 68 (2019) 234206-9.

宋婷,孙小伟*,魏小平,欧阳玉花,张春林,郭鹏,赵炜,方镁石高压结构瞻望和高温结构结识性盘考,物理学报 68 (2019) 126201-11.

廖涛,孙小伟*,宋婷,田俊红,康太凤,孙伟彬,新式二维压电声子晶体板带隙可调性盘考,物理学报 67 (2018) 214208-8.

N. Bioud, X.W. Sun*, S. Daoud, T. Song*, R. Khenata, S. Bin-Omran, High-temperature and high-pressure physical properties of CuI with zinc-blende phase by a systematic ab initio investigation, Optik 155 (2018) 17-25.

N. Bioud, K. Kassali, X.W. Sun*, T. Song, R. Khenata, S. Bin-Omran, High-pressure phase transition and thermodynamic properties from first-principles calculations: Application to cubic copper iodide, Materials Chemistry and Physics 203 (2018) 362-373.

F. Chiker, H. Khachai, C. Mathieu, S. Bin-Omran, B. Kada, X.W. Sun*, Sandeep, D.P. Rai, R. Khenata*, Computational investigations of the band structure, and thermodynamic and optical features of thorium-based oxide ThGeO4 using the full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave plus local orbital approach, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 116 (2018) 386-392.

J.H. Tian*, X.W. Sun*, T. Song, R. Khenata, S. Bin-Omran, W.L. Quan, Y.N. Zhao, G. Jiang, Phase transition and high-pressure thermodynamic properties of CdN derived from first-principles and quasi-harmonic Debye model, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1120 (2017) 91-95.

T. Song*, Q. Ma, X.W. Sun*, Z.J. Liu*, Z.J. Fu, X.P. Wei, T. Wang, J.H. Tian, Phase stability, electronic structure and equation of state of cubic TcN from first-principles calculations, Physics Letters A 380 (2016) 3144-3148.

T. Song*, X.W. Sun*, Z.J. Liu, B. Kong, W.L. Quan, Z.J. Fu, J.F. Li, J.H. Tian, Thermodynamic properties of magnesium oxide: a comparison of ab initio and empirical models, Physica Scripta 85 (2012) 045702-9.

T. Song*, X.W. Sun*, R.F. Wang, H.W. Lu, J.H. Tian, P. Guo, Effects of pressure and temperature on the isothermal bulk modulus of CaO, Physica B, 406 (2011) 293-296.

X.X. Wang, T. Song*, Z.S. Lei, X.W. Sun, J.H. Tian, Z.J. Liu, Study of high-pressure thermophysical properties of orthocarbonate Sr3CO5 using deep learning molecular dynamics simulations, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26 (2024) 6351-6353.

T. Song*, X.L. Dou, M.R. Chen, H.J. Peng, N. Li,X.W. Sun. First-principles calculations on electronic, superconducting, mechanical, and thermodynamic properties for the superhard compound Tc2C under pressure. Materials Today Communications, 37 (2023) 107647-7.

 Z.J. Liu*, T. Li, X.W. Sun, C.R. Zhang, Z.L. Liu, T. Song, X.D. Wen. First‑principles study on the high‑pressure physical properties of orthocarbonate Ca2CO4, Scientific reports, 13 (2023) 11422-10.

 Z.J. Liu*, Y. Guo, X.W. Sun, C.R. Zhang, X.D. Wen, X.X. Liu, Y.W. Wang. Study on the physical properties of Ca3CO5 polymorphs under lower mantle pressure, Physics Letters A, 480 (2023) 128965-8.

Y.W. Wang*, X.W. Sun, H.H. Zhang, H. Hu. Hybrid silica and thin-film lithium niobate waveguides and Y-junctions, Results in Physics, 53 (2023) 106994-8.

X.Y. Wang*, X.W. Sun, Z.J. Liu, L.G. Si*. Selective enhancement of difference sideband generation in a quadratically coupled optomechanical system with mechanical driving. Physica Scripta, 2023.

X.D. Wen *, L. Kang, X.W. Sun, T. Song, L.W. Qi and Y. Cao. Topological Design of Two-Dimensional Phononic Crystals Based on Genetic Algorithm, Materials,16 (2023) 5606-15.

Z.J. Liu*, T. Li, X.-W. Sun, C.R. Zhang, J.Q. Ju, Comparative study on high-pressure physical properties of monoclinic MgCO3 and Mg2CO4, Scientific Reports 12 (2022) 19485-11.

Z.J. Liu*, X.W. Sun, C.R. Zhang, S.J. Zhang, Z.R. Zhang, N.Z. Jin, First-principles calculations of high-pressure physical properties anisotropy for magnesite, Scientific Reports 12 (2022) 3691-13.

W.C. Huang*, K.X. Zhang, H.Z. Xing*, X.W. Sun, Localized field induced room-temperature photoconduction far below bandgap, Infrared Physics & Technology 115 (2021) 103708-9.

W.L. Quan*, X.W. Sun, Q.F. Chen, Elastic scattering of electron in neutral plasma: Interaction model and plasma environment effects, Physics of Plasmas 27 (2020) 112701-12.

R. Moussa, A. Abdiche, R. Khenata*, X.T. Wang, D. Varshney*, X.W. Sun, S. Bin Omran, A. Bouhemadou, D.P. Rai, Structural, electronic, optical, thermodynamic and elastic properties of the zinc-blende AlxIn1-xN ternary alloys: A first principles calculations, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 119 (2018) 36-49.

T. Belfarh, M. Batouche, T. Seddik*, G. Uğurb, S. Bin Omran, A. Bouhemadou, Sandeep, X. Wang, X.W. Sun, R. Khenata*, Insight into the optoelectronic and thermoelectric properties of Ca-based Zintl phase CaCd2X2 (X = P, As) from first principles calculation, Physica B 538 (2018) 35-46.

X.P. Wei*, Y.L. Zhang, T. Wang, X.W. Sun, T. Song, P. Guo, J.B. Deng, Stability, electronic and magnetic properties investigations on Zr2YZ (Y = Co, Cr, V and Z = Al, Ga, In, Pb, Sn, Tl) compounds, Materials Research Bulletin 86 (2017) 139-145.

X.P. Wei*, W. Sun, Y.L. Zhang, X.W. Sun, T. Song, T. Wang, J.L. Zhang, H. Su, J.B. Deng, X.F. Zhu, Investigations on electronic, Fermi surface, Curie temperature and optical properties of Zr2CoAl, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 247 (2017) 97-104.

X.P. Wei*, Y.L. Zhang, X.W. Sun, T. Song, P. Guo, Y. Gao, J.L. Zhang, X.F. Zhu, J.B. Deng, Exchange interactions and Curie temperatures in Fe2NiZ compounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 694 (2017) 1254-1259.

T. Song, Q. Ma*, X.W. Sun, Z.J. Liu, X.P. Wei, J.H. Tian, High-pressure and high-temperature physical properties of half-metallic full-Heusler alloy Mn2RuSi by first-principles and quasi-harmonic Debye model, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 424 (2017) 359-364.

J.H. Tian, T. Song, X.W. Sun, T. Wang, G. Jiang*, Theoretical investigation on the high-pressure physical properties of ZnN in cubic zinc blende, rock salt, and cesium chloride structures, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 110 (2017) 70-75.

T. Song, X.W. Sun, J.H. Tian, X.P. Wei, G.X. Wan, Q. Ma*, The effect of pressure on the structural, electronic, magnetic, and thermodynamic properties of the Mn2RuGe inverse Heusler alloy, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 428 (2017) 287-292.

Z.J. Liu*, X.W. Sun, T. Song, Q. Ma, Y. Guo, Studying the phase transition, thermal expansion, and heat capacity of technetium mononitride by first-principles calculations, Chemical Physics Letters 649 (2016) 64-67.

X.P. Wei*, Y.L. Zhang, X.W. Sun, T. Song, P. Guo, The electronic and magnetic properties of defects on half-metallic Ti2NiIn alloy, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 233 (2016) 221-228.

X.P. Wei*, Y.D. Chu, X.W. Sun, T. Sun, P. Guo, Investigations on the defects of MgN within coherent potential approximation, Physica B 463 (2015) 103-107.

X.P. Wei*, Y.D. Chu, X.W. Sun, Y. E, J.B. Deng, Y.Z. Xing, Investigations on the electronic, structural, magnetic properties related to shape-memory behavior in Ti2CoX (X=Al, Ga, In), Materials Research Bulletin 62 (2015) 212-216.

W.L. Quan, Q.F. Chen*, Z.J. Fu, X.W. Sun, J. Zheng, Y.J. Gu, Equations of state, transport properties, and compositions of argon plasma: Combination of self-consistent fluid variation theory and linear response theory, Physical Review E 91 (2015) 023106-11.

X.P. Wei*, Y.L. Zhang, Y.D. Chu, X.W. Sun, T. Sun, P. Guo, J.B. Deng, Electronic, magnetic and Fermi properties investigates on quaternary Heusler NiCoCrAl, NiCoCrGa and NiFeCrGa, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 82 (2015) 28-35.

F.G. Kuang, X.Y. Kuang*, S.Y. Kang, M.M. Zhong, X.W. Sun, Ab initio study on physical properties of wurtzite, zincblende, and rocksalt structures of zinc oxide using revised functionals, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 31 (2015) 700-708.

X.P. Wei*, Y.D. Chu, X.W. Sun, Y. E, J.B. Deng, Y.Z. Xing, First-principles study on the half-metallicity of CsN alloy (001) surface, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 363 (2014) 55-59.

X.P. Wei*, Y.D. Chu, X.W. Sun, J.B. Deng, Y.Z. Xing, Stability, electronic, magnetic and pressure effect of half-Heusler alloys CNaCa and SiNaCa: A first-principles study, Superlattices and Microstructures 74 (2014) 70-77.

Z.J. Fu*, L.J. Jia, X.W. Sun, Q.F. Chen, Electrical conductivity of warm dense tungsten, High Energy Density Physics 9 (2013) 781-786.

Z.R. Zhang, X.L. Cheng*, H.F. Li, Z.J. Liu, X.W. Sun, Calculation and evaluation of energy levels and radiative rates for 2s22p6-2s2p6np and 2s22p6-2s22p5nd (4 ≤ n ≤ 20) transitions in Cu XX, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 98 (2012) 894-909.

Z.J. Fu, Q.F. Chen*, X.R. Chen*, X.W. Sun, W.L. Quan, Electrical conductivity and nonmetal-metal transition of dense iron and nickel plasmas, Physica Scripta 85 (2012) 045502-8.

W.L. Quan*, X.W. Sun, Q. Song, Z.J. Fu, P. Guo, J.H. Tian, J.M. Chen, Molecular dynamics simulation of hydrogenated carbon film growth from CH radicals, Applied Surface Science 263 (2012) 339-344.

J.H. Tian*, T. Song, X.W. Sun, Z.J. Liu, W.L. Quan, P. Guo, Molecular dynamic study of the melting temperature in MgF2 with the fluorite structure, Physica B 407 (2012) 551-554.

Z.J. Liu*, C.R. Zhang, X.W. Sun, J.B. Hu, T. Song, Y.D. Chu, The melting curve of MgSiO3 perovskite from molecular dynamics simulation, Physica Scripta 83 (2011) 045602-5.

B. Kong, B. Zhu, Y. Cheng*, L. Zhang, Q.X. Zeng, X.W. Sun, Structural, mechanical, thermodynamics properties and phase transition of FeVSb, Physica B 406 (2011) 3003-3010.